Class RecaptchaClient


public class RecaptchaClient extends Object
This is the ReCAPTCHA class exposed to the JavaScript mapping rules.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • RecaptchaClient

      public RecaptchaClient()
  • Method Details

    • verify

      public static boolean verify(String response, String secret, String serviceLocation)
      This wraps the real verify method and provides a simple yes/no response. As this method swallows any exceptions, it is intended to only be called from the JaveScript mapping rules. If you are intending to verify ReCAPTCHA internally, please see RecaptchaClientInternal.verify(...)
      response - The CAPTCHA response collected from the client.
      secret - The API secret.
      serviceLocation - The location of the ReCAPTCHA endpoint. (Passing null will use the default value.)
      true if the captcha verified successfully, false if there were errors or the captcha did not verify.