Class STSClientHelper
Field Summary
Fields -
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Field Details
Constructor Details
public STSClientHelper(String url, String username, String password, String trustStore, String clientStore, String clientAlias) Constructor. Create a client capable of calling an STS.- Parameters:
- protocol, host, port and path to make the call tousername
- BA username. Set to null to disable BA.password
- BA password Set to null to disable BA.trustStore
- Trust store for SSL connection. If null, the default value for the runtime will be used.clientStore
- Client store for client certificate authentication. Set to null to disable client cert authenticationclientAlias
- Certificate label for client certificat authentcation. Set to null to disable client cert authentication
Method Details
public Element doSTSExchange(String requestType, String tokenType, String issuerAddress, String appliesToAddress, Element claimsElement, Element baseToken) throws STSClientException An example of invoking the STSClient helper from a mapping rule:// The following imports are required. importClass(; importClass(; var sts_client = new STSClientHelper("", "easuser", // Authenticate with BA "hunter2", "rt_profile_keys", // Default trust store null, // No client certificate authentication null); // This example invokes a chain with the following properties: // // Mode: Validate( // Issuer: "urn:issuer"; // AppliesTo: "urn:appliesTo" // // // The chain modules: // // 1. Default STSUU - Validate // 2. Default Map - Map (optional) // 3. Default STSUU - Issue // // It is assumed that the returned STSUU will contain a principal to be used // var req_stsuu = new STSUniversalUser(); req_stsuu.addAttribute( new"myAttr", "urn:ibm:attr", "attributeValue")); IDMappingExtUtils.traceString("Sending STSUU as base token: " + req_stsuu); There are helper functions in IDMappingExtUtils which can be used to create XML Documents and Elements to construct other token types, such as binary security token / username token. var base_element = req_stsuu.toXML().getDocumentElement(); var rsp = sts_client.doSTSExchange("", null, // No token type "urn:issuer", "urn:appliesTo", null, // No claims base_element); // // build a new STUU from the response element // var rsp_stsuu = new STSUniversalUser(); rsp_stsuu.fromXML(rsp); IDMappingExtUtils.traceString("recieved response STSUU: " + rsp_stsuu);
For high performance situations, its recommended to use the LocalSTSClient and invoke a chain which is local to the federation runtime. This avoids the HTTP(S) overhead and goes via a Bean interface. See: Parameters:
- Value to populate the <RequestType> element with.tokenType
- Value to populate the <TokentType> element with.issuerAddress
- issuer addressappliesToAddress
- appliesTo addressclaimsElement
- Optional claims to provide in the requestbaseToken
- element to populate the Base element with in the request- Returns:
- the text content of the RequestedSecurityToken in the response