
public class STSClientHelper extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • STSClientHelper

      public STSClientHelper(String url, String username, String password, String trustStore, String clientStore, String clientAlias)
      Constructor. Create a client capable of calling an STS.
      url - protocol, host, port and path to make the call to
      username - BA username. Set to null to disable BA.
      password - BA password Set to null to disable BA.
      trustStore - Trust store for SSL connection. If null, the default value for the runtime will be used.
      clientStore - Client store for client certificate authentication. Set to null to disable client cert authentication
      clientAlias - Certificate label for client certificat authentcation. Set to null to disable client cert authentication
  • Method Details

    • doSTSExchange

      public Element doSTSExchange(String requestType, String tokenType, String issuerAddress, String appliesToAddress, Element claimsElement, Element baseToken) throws STSClientException
      An example of invoking the STSClient helper from a mapping rule:
       // The following imports are required.
       var sts_client = new STSClientHelper("",
            "easuser",         // Authenticate with BA
            "rt_profile_keys", // Default trust store
            null,              // No client certificate authentication
       // This example invokes a chain with the following properties:
       // Mode: Validate(
       // Issuer: "urn:issuer";
       // AppliesTo: "urn:appliesTo"
       // The chain modules:
       // 1. Default STSUU - Validate
       // 2. Default Map - Map (optional)
       // 3. Default STSUU - Issue
       // It is assumed that the returned STSUU will contain a principal to be used
       var req_stsuu = new STSUniversalUser();
       IDMappingExtUtils.traceString("Sending STSUU as base token: " + req_stsuu);
        There are helper functions in IDMappingExtUtils which can be used to create
        XML Documents and Elements to construct other token types, such as binary security
        token / username token.
       var base_element = req_stsuu.toXML().getDocumentElement();
       var rsp = sts_client.doSTSExchange("",
                                         null, // No token type
                                         null, // No claims
       //  build a new STUU from the response element
       var rsp_stsuu = new STSUniversalUser();
       IDMappingExtUtils.traceString("recieved response STSUU: " + rsp_stsuu);
      For high performance situations, its recommended to use the LocalSTSClient and invoke a chain which is local to the federation runtime. This avoids the HTTP(S) overhead and goes via a Bean interface. See:
      requestType - Value to populate the <RequestType> element with.
      tokenType - Value to populate the <TokentType> element with.
      issuerAddress - issuer address
      appliesToAddress - appliesTo address
      claimsElement - Optional claims to provide in the request
      baseToken - element to populate the Base element with in the request
      the text content of the RequestedSecurityToken in the response