Class STSUniversalUser

  • public class STSUniversalUser
    extends java.lang.Object
    Java representation of STSUniversalUser schema.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Constructs an empty STSUniversalUser.
      STSUniversalUser​(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
      Constructs a STSUniversalUser containing the data specified in the given org.w3c.dom.Node.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addAttribute​(Attribute attr)
      Adds the given Attribute to the list of attributes.
      void addAttributeStatement​(AttributeStatement attrstmt)
      Adds the given AttributeStatement to the list of AttributeStatements.
      void addContextAttribute​(Attribute attr)
      Adds the given Attribute to the list of ContextAttributes
      void addGroup​(Group group)
      Adds the given group.
      void addPrincipalAttribute​(Attribute attr)
      Add a principalAttribute to this STSUniversalUser.
      void clear()
      This method when called will reset and clear all data in the STSUniversalUser.
      void clearAttributeList()
      This method when called will reset and clear all data in the AttributeList
      void clearAttributeStatements()
      This method when called will reset and clear all data in the AttributeStatements
      void clearContextAttributes()
      This method when called will reset and clear all data in the ContextAttributes
      void clearGroupList()
      This method when called will reset and clear all data in the GroupList
      void clearPrincipal()
      This method when called will reset and clear all data in the Principal
      void clearRequestSecurityToken()
      This method when called will reset and clear all data in the RequestSecurityToken
      void copy​(STSUniversalUser stsuu)
      Performs a shallow copy (by reference) of the given STSUniversalUser object's members
      void fromPAC​(java.lang.String intoken)
      Populates an STSUniversalUser from an IV_CREDS token (in the form of an String).
      void fromXML​(java.lang.String xmlString)
      Populates an STSUniversalUser from XML (in the form of an org.w3c.dom.Node).
      void fromXML​(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
      Populates the STSUniversalUser from XML (in the form of an org.w3c.dom.Document).
      void fromXML​(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
      Builds the STSUniversalUser based on the given org.w3c.dom.Node.
      void fromXML​(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
      Populates an STSUniversalUser from XML (in the form of an org.w3c.dom.Node).
      AttributeContainer getAttributeContainer()
      Return the AttributeContainer associated with this STSUniversalUser.
      java.util.Iterator getAttributes()
      Returns an Iterator that references all the Attributes in the AttributeList.
      java.util.Iterator getAttributeStatements()
      Returns an Iterator that references all the AtributStatements
      java.lang.String getAttributeValueByName​(java.lang.String name)
      Returns an Attribute value of this STSUniversalUser based on the name provided.
      ContextAttributes getContextAttributes()
      Retrieve the Context atrributes container
      AttributeContainer getContextAttributesAttributeContainer()
      Returns the ContextAttributes AttributeContainer of this STSUniversalUser.
      java.util.Iterator getGroups()
      Returns an Iterator that references all the Groups in the GroupList.
      int getNumberOfAttributes()
      Returns the number of Attributes in the AttributeList
      int getNumberOfGroups()
      Returns the number of groups in the GroupList.
      AttributeContainer getPrincipalAttributeContainer()
      Return the PrincipalAttributeContainer associated with this STSUniversalUser.
      java.util.Iterator getPrincipalAttributes()
      Returns an Iterator that references all the Principal Attributes in the Principal.
      java.lang.String getPrincipalAttributeValueByName​(java.lang.String name)
      Returns a Principal Attribute value of this STSUniversalUser based on the name provided.
      java.lang.String getPrincipalDomain()
      This is a convenience method for retrieving the first Principal attribute value that has the name="domain".
      java.lang.String getPrincipalName()
      This is a convenience method for retrieving the first Principal attribute value that has the name="name".
      java.lang.String getPrincipalRegistryID()
      This is a convenience method for retrieving the first Principal attribute value that has the name="registryid".
      java.lang.String getPrincipalUUID()
      This is a convenience method for retrieving the first Principal attribute value that has the name="uuid".
      RequestSecurityToken getRequestSecurityToken()
      Return the RequestSecurityToken associated with this STSUniversalUser.
      java.lang.String getRequestSecurityTokenAttributeByName​(java.lang.String name)
      Returns a RequestSecurityTokenAttribute based on the name provided.
      AttributeContainer getRequestSecurityTokenAttributeContainer()
      Return the RequestSecurityTokenAttributeContainer associated with this STSUniversalUser.
      java.util.Iterator getRequestSecurityTokenAttributes()
      Returns an Iterator that references all the attributes of the RequestSecurityToken element
      static java.lang.String maskSTSUUString​(java.lang.String clearText)
      Masks hidden data in a String that contains STSUU elements.
      int removeAttribute​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String type)
      Remove the attributes that match the given name and type, to match a attribute with no type pass null as the type. if * is passed for both name and type ALL attributes are removed.
      int removeGroup​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String type)
      Remove the groups that match the given name and type, to match a group with no type pass null as the type. if * is passed for both name and type ALL groups are removed.
      int removePrincipalAttribute​(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String type)
      Remove the attributes that match the given name and type, to match a attribute with no type pass null as the type. if * is passed for both name and type ALL attributes are removed.
      void setContextAttributes​(ContextAttributes attributes)
      Sets the ContextAttributes
      void setPrincipalDomain​(java.lang.String principalDomain)
      This is a convenience method for creating a Principal attribute with the name="domain" type=null and value=principalDomain.
      void setPrincipalName​(java.lang.String principalName)
      This is a convenience method for updating a Principal attribute with the name="name" type= and value=principalName.
      void setPrincipalRegistryID​(java.lang.String principalID)
      This is a convenience method for creating a Principal attribute with the name="registryid" type=null and value=principalID.
      void setPrincipalUUID​(java.lang.String principalUUID)
      This is a convenience method for creating a Principal attribute with the name="uuid" type=null and value=principalUUID.
      java.lang.String toClearTextString()
      Produces the same string as toString except any password attribute will be in the clear
      java.lang.String toString()
      Returns a String representation of this STSUniversalUser object.
      org.w3c.dom.Document toXML()
      Returns this STSUniversalUser as XML in the form of an org.w3c.dom.Document object.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • STSUniversalUser_java_sourceCodeID

        public static final java.lang.String STSUniversalUser_java_sourceCodeID
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • STSUniversalUser_java_copyright

        public static final java.lang.String STSUniversalUser_java_copyright

        public static final java.lang.String CUSTOM_PARAM_UNAUTH_USER_NAME
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String CUSTOM_PARAM_UNAUTH_USER_REGISTRY_ID
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String CUSTOM_PARAM_UNAUTH_USER_UUID
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • STSUniversalUser

        public STSUniversalUser​(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
                         throws STSRuntimeException
        Constructs a STSUniversalUser containing the data specified in the given org.w3c.dom.Node.
        node - a STSUniversalUser represented in XML following the STSUniversalUser's XML schema.
      • STSUniversalUser

        public STSUniversalUser()
        Constructs an empty STSUniversalUser.
    • Method Detail

      • fromXML

        public void fromXML​(org.w3c.dom.Node node)
        Populates an STSUniversalUser from XML (in the form of an org.w3c.dom.Node).
        node - the Node to populate this STSUniversalUser from. If node is null, nothing will be done to this object.
      • fromXML

        public void fromXML​(java.lang.String xmlString)
        Populates an STSUniversalUser from XML (in the form of an org.w3c.dom.Node).
        xmlString - the String to populate this STSUniversalUser from. If String is null, nothing will be done to this object.
      • fromXML

        public void fromXML​(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
        Populates the STSUniversalUser from XML (in the form of an org.w3c.dom.Document).
        doc - the Document to populate this STSUniversalUser from. If Document is null, nothing will be done to this object.
      • fromXML

        public void fromXML​(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
        Builds the STSUniversalUser based on the given org.w3c.dom.Node.
        element - a STSUniversalUser represented in XML following the STSUniversalUser's XML schema.
      • fromPAC

        public void fromPAC​(java.lang.String intoken)
        Populates an STSUniversalUser from an IV_CREDS token (in the form of an String).
        jsonString - the iv_creds String to populate this STSUniversalUser from. If String is null or not valid, nothing will be done to this object.
      • copy

        public void copy​(STSUniversalUser stsuu)
        Performs a shallow copy (by reference) of the given STSUniversalUser object's members
        stsuu - the STSUniversalUser to copy from.
      • getPrincipalName

        public java.lang.String getPrincipalName()
        This is a convenience method for retrieving the first Principal attribute value that has the name="name".
        the principal name as a String object.
      • getPrincipalRegistryID

        public java.lang.String getPrincipalRegistryID()
        This is a convenience method for retrieving the first Principal attribute value that has the name="registryid".
        the first principal attribute value with the name 'registryid' as a String object.
      • getPrincipalUUID

        public java.lang.String getPrincipalUUID()
        This is a convenience method for retrieving the first Principal attribute value that has the name="uuid".
        the first principal attribute value with the name 'uid' as a String object.
      • getPrincipalDomain

        public java.lang.String getPrincipalDomain()
        This is a convenience method for retrieving the first Principal attribute value that has the name="domain".
        the first principal attribute value with the name 'domain' as a String object.
      • setPrincipalName

        public void setPrincipalName​(java.lang.String principalName)
        This is a convenience method for updating a Principal attribute with the name="name" type= and value=principalName. It will create a new Principal attribute if it does not already exist with name="name" type=null and value=principalName.
        principalName - the principal name as a String.
      • setPrincipalRegistryID

        public void setPrincipalRegistryID​(java.lang.String principalID)
        This is a convenience method for creating a Principal attribute with the name="registryid" type=null and value=principalID. All other Principal attributes matching name="registryid" and type=null are removed before creating the new attribute.
        principalID - the principalDN as a String.
      • setPrincipalUUID

        public void setPrincipalUUID​(java.lang.String principalUUID)
                              throws STSRuntimeException
        This is a convenience method for creating a Principal attribute with the name="uuid" type=null and value=principalUUID. All other Principal attributes matching name="uuid" and type=null are removed before creating the new attribute.
        principalUUID - the principalUUID as a String
      • setPrincipalDomain

        public void setPrincipalDomain​(java.lang.String principalDomain)
                                throws STSRuntimeException
        This is a convenience method for creating a Principal attribute with the name="domain" type=null and value=principalDomain. All other Principal attributes matching name="domain" and type=null are removed before creating the new attribute.
        principalDomain - the principalDomain as a String.
      • getNumberOfGroups

        public int getNumberOfGroups()
        Returns the number of groups in the GroupList.
        int number of groups.
      • addGroup

        public void addGroup​(Group group)
        Adds the given group. The name of the group must not be null, if null the group entry is not added.
        group - the Group to be added.
      • getAttributes

        public java.util.Iterator getAttributes()
        Returns an Iterator that references all the Attributes in the AttributeList.
      • getPrincipalAttributes

        public java.util.Iterator getPrincipalAttributes()
        Returns an Iterator that references all the Principal Attributes in the Principal.
      • getAttributeStatements

        public java.util.Iterator getAttributeStatements()
        Returns an Iterator that references all the AtributStatements
      • getRequestSecurityTokenAttributes

        public java.util.Iterator getRequestSecurityTokenAttributes()
        Returns an Iterator that references all the attributes of the RequestSecurityToken element
        an Iterator that references all the attributes of the RequestSecurityToken element
      • getPrincipalAttributeContainer

        public AttributeContainer getPrincipalAttributeContainer()
        Return the PrincipalAttributeContainer associated with this STSUniversalUser.
        the PrincipalAttributeContainer associated with this STSUniversalUser. If the PrincipalAttributeContainer is null, an empty AttributeContainer is returned.
      • getAttributeContainer

        public AttributeContainer getAttributeContainer()
        Return the AttributeContainer associated with this STSUniversalUser.
        the AttributeContainer associated with this STSUniversalUser. If the AttributeContainer is null, an empty AttributeContainer is returned.
      • getRequestSecurityToken

        public RequestSecurityToken getRequestSecurityToken()
        Return the RequestSecurityToken associated with this STSUniversalUser.
        the RequestSecurityToken associated with this STSUniversalUser. If the RequestSecurityToken is null, an empty RequestSecurityToken is returned.
      • getRequestSecurityTokenAttributeContainer

        public AttributeContainer getRequestSecurityTokenAttributeContainer()
        Return the RequestSecurityTokenAttributeContainer associated with this STSUniversalUser.
        the RequestSecurityTokenAttributeContainer associated with this STSUniversalUser.
      • getAttributeValueByName

        public java.lang.String getAttributeValueByName​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns an Attribute value of this STSUniversalUser based on the name provided.
        name - a String representing the name of the Attribute.
        the first Attribute value of the named Attribute or null if there is no named Attribute.
      • getPrincipalAttributeValueByName

        public java.lang.String getPrincipalAttributeValueByName​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns a Principal Attribute value of this STSUniversalUser based on the name provided.
        name - a String representing the name of the Attribute.
        the first principal Attribute value of the named Attribute or null if there is no named Attribute.
      • getContextAttributes

        public ContextAttributes getContextAttributes()
        Retrieve the Context atrributes container
        the Context atrributes container.
      • getContextAttributesAttributeContainer

        public AttributeContainer getContextAttributesAttributeContainer()
        Returns the ContextAttributes AttributeContainer of this STSUniversalUser.
        the ContextAttributes AttributeContainer of this STSUniversalUser.
      • getGroups

        public java.util.Iterator getGroups()
        Returns an Iterator that references all the Groups in the GroupList.
      • getNumberOfAttributes

        public int getNumberOfAttributes()
        Returns the number of Attributes in the AttributeList
        int number of attributes
      • getRequestSecurityTokenAttributeByName

        public java.lang.String getRequestSecurityTokenAttributeByName​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns a RequestSecurityTokenAttribute based on the name provided.
        name - the name of the RST Attribute to return.
        a RequestSecurityTokenAttribute based on the name provided or if the name does not exist, returns null.
      • addAttribute

        public void addAttribute​(Attribute attr)
        Adds the given Attribute to the list of attributes. The name of the Attribute must not be null, if null the Attribute is not added to the list.
        attr - the attribute to be added to the list of attributes.
      • addContextAttribute

        public void addContextAttribute​(Attribute attr)
        Adds the given Attribute to the list of ContextAttributes
        attr -
      • setContextAttributes

        public void setContextAttributes​(ContextAttributes attributes)
        Sets the ContextAttributes
        attr -
      • addAttributeStatement

        public void addAttributeStatement​(AttributeStatement attrstmt)
        Adds the given AttributeStatement to the list of AttributeStatements.
        attrstmt - the AttributeStatement to be added to the list of AttributeStatements.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
                                  throws STSRuntimeException
        Returns a String representation of this STSUniversalUser object. This method masks private data in the returned String. For a clear text String call the toClearTextString() method.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        a String representation of this STSUniversalUser object.
      • maskSTSUUString

        public static java.lang.String maskSTSUUString​(java.lang.String clearText)
        Masks hidden data in a String that contains STSUU elements. This method uses a pre-defined set of regular expressions to obscure secrets in the String representation of an STSUU.
        a masked version of the input String, or the input String if no hidden data patterns were matched.
      • toClearTextString

        public java.lang.String toClearTextString()
                                           throws STSRuntimeException
        Produces the same string as toString except any password attribute will be in the clear
        this STSUniversalUser as a String with the password in clear text.
      • toXML

        public org.w3c.dom.Document toXML()
                                   throws STSRuntimeException
        Returns this STSUniversalUser as XML in the form of an org.w3c.dom.Document object.
        this STSUniversalUser as XML in the form of an org.w3c.dom.Document object.
      • removeGroup

        public int removeGroup​(java.lang.String name,
                               java.lang.String type)
        Remove the groups that match the given name and type, to match a group with no type pass null as the type. if * is passed for both name and type ALL groups are removed.
        name - the name of the Attribute as a String.
        type - the type of Attribute as a String.
        int the number of groups removed.
      • removeAttribute

        public int removeAttribute​(java.lang.String name,
                                   java.lang.String type)
        Remove the attributes that match the given name and type, to match a attribute with no type pass null as the type. if * is passed for both name and type ALL attributes are removed.
        name - the name of the Attribute as a String.
        type - the type of Attribute as a String.
        int the number of attributes removed.
      • removePrincipalAttribute

        public int removePrincipalAttribute​(java.lang.String name,
                                            java.lang.String type)
        Remove the attributes that match the given name and type, to match a attribute with no type pass null as the type. if * is passed for both name and type ALL attributes are removed.
        name - the name of the Attribute as a String.
        type - the type of Attribute as a String.
        int the number of attributes removed.
      • addPrincipalAttribute

        public void addPrincipalAttribute​(Attribute attr)
        Add a principalAttribute to this STSUniversalUser.
        attr - the principal Attribute to be added to this STSUniversalUser.
      • clear

        public void clear()
        This method when called will reset and clear all data in the STSUniversalUser.
      • clearPrincipal

        public void clearPrincipal()
        This method when called will reset and clear all data in the Principal
      • clearGroupList

        public void clearGroupList()
        This method when called will reset and clear all data in the GroupList
      • clearAttributeList

        public void clearAttributeList()
        This method when called will reset and clear all data in the AttributeList
      • clearRequestSecurityToken

        public void clearRequestSecurityToken()
        This method when called will reset and clear all data in the RequestSecurityToken
      • clearAttributeStatements

        public void clearAttributeStatements()
        This method when called will reset and clear all data in the AttributeStatements
      • clearContextAttributes

        public void clearContextAttributes()
        This method when called will reset and clear all data in the ContextAttributes